Death grant and making a nomination

When a member of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) dies there are two different types of benefits which may be payable: a lump sum death grant and survivors benefits (ongoing pension).

Lump sum death grant 

The amount of any lump sum death grant that is payable depends on whether you are still contributing to the scheme or if you have left employment and if you have any other death grant payable from another LGPS fund.

Active members

If you are still employed and are contributing to the scheme, the lump sum Death Grant would normally be 3 times your assumed pensionable pay. For example, a member earning £16,000 per year who dies would have a lump sum death grant of £48,000.

Deferred members

If you left employment before pension age and were granted deferred benefits in the scheme, the amount of the lump sum death grant will depend on when you left:

If you left after 1 April 2008, the lump sum death grant will be 5 times your deferred pension. For example, a member with a deferred pension of £6,500 who dies would have a lump sum death grant of £32,500.

If you left before 31 March 2008, the lump sum Death Grant will be your deferred retirement grant (this is normally 3 times your Deferred Pension). For example, a member with a deferred retirement grant of £19,500 who dies would have a lump sum death grant of £19,500.

Pensioner Members

If you left the scheme after 1 April 2008 and were to die within 10 years of starting to receive your pension, a death grant will be payable provided you meet the criteria set out in when is a death grant not payable?

If you left the scheme before 31 March 2008 and were to die within 5 years of starting to receive your pension, a death grant will be payable provided you meet the criteria set out in the when is a death grant not payable?

The calculations of the death grant will depend on your individual circumstances (and for those retiring after 1 April 2014) whether you chose to give up part of your pension to provide addition lump sum benefits. An explanation of how the death grant in these cases would be calculated is set out in the attached notes.

Nominate Beneficiary

If you are already signed up to My Pension Portal (MPP), you can log on and complete your nomination details using your online account (If you’ve not already registered for My Pension Portal and want to do so, you will first need to apply for an Activation Code). Going forward, you will then be able to view/amend nominee(s) without needing to contact the Fund.

Please note, if you have previously completed a paper version of the Nomination of a Beneficiary for Death Grant form, this will be held on your pension record but it will not show on MPP.

Alternatively, you can complete a nomination form to tell us who you would like to receive the payment in the event of your death:

To complete the Word Version of this form, you have two options:

1. (preferred method) - please complete the form on-screen (you can type in your name as a signature) and then save it locally to return the completed version by email. You must then also send in a scan or photo of a form of identification, such as a birth certificate or driving licence - these can be scanned copies or photos of the documents.

2. (if you have issues with on-screen completion or are using the PDF version of the document) - please print the form and complete it by hand.  You can then post it to us or, if you wish, scan or take a photo of the completed form and return it by email.

Please use the following email address to return forms: or, if using post to return, please use the return address on the form.