If you left the LGPS on or after 1 April 2008

If you left the LGPS on or after 1 April 2008

A lump sum death grant will be paid if you die and less than 10 years pension has been paid and you are under age 75 at the date of death. The amount payable would be:

  • 10 times the level of your annual pension in respect of your membership of the scheme after 31 March 2014 (before giving up any pension for a tax free cash lump sum), less any pension already paid to you in respect of your post 31 March 2014 membership and the amount of any tax-free cash lump sum you chose to take by giving up some of the pension you built up after 31 March 2014 when you drew your pension at retirement.
  • 10 times the level of your annual pension in respect of your membership of the scheme before 1 April 2014 (after giving up any pension for a tax-free cash lump sum), less any pension already paid to you in respect of your pre 1 April 2014 membership.