Specimen stage 1 decision letter

The following wording could be used in stage 1 decision letter issued to a scheme member:

Dear xxxxx

Local Government Pension Scheme: internal dispute resolution procedure (IDRP)

I have looked at the details of your disagreement and reached a decision under Stage one of the IDRP. Details should include:

  • the question of determination
  • evidence received and considered
  • the decision
  • a reference to any legislation or scheme provision that it relies upon
  • where relevant, a reference to the scheme provisions conferring the discretion that has caused the disagreement
  • a reference to the applicants right to have their disagreement reconsidered by the administering authority providing the necessary contact details
  • the time limits for making a Stage 2 appeal

This concludes the stage 1 of the internal dispute resolution procedure. If you are not happy with my decision, you have the right to ask the Staffordshire Pension Fund to look at your complaint again.

You must do this in writing, within six months from the date of this letter. You can get further information on the grounds to make a complaint and an application form on our internal dispute resolution procedure page (https://preview-staffs-pf-staffscc.cloud.contensis.com/Members/How-to-raise-a-complaint-or-dispute/How-to-raise-a-complaint-or-dispute.aspx)

You can also ask the Pensions Ombudsman for assistance. The Ombudsman help members and beneficiaries of pension schemes with disputes they cannot resolve.  The Pensions Ombudsman can be contacted at:

Postal address: 10 South Colonnade, Canary Wharf, E14 4PU

Phone: 0800 917 4487. (For the early resolution service select option 1).

Email: enquiries@pensions‐ombudsman.org.uk

Website: https://www.pensions-ombudsman.org.uk/

Copies of this determination have been sent to [name of body] as your employer/former employer and the Staffordshire Pension Fund.

Yours sincerely