Asset pooling

Staffordshire Pension Fund is one of 8 LGPS Funds in the LGPS Central pool. The other Partner Funds, all based in the Midlands, are Cheshire Pension Fund, Derbyshire Pension Fund, Leicestershire Pension Fund, Nottinghamshire Pension Fund, Shropshire Pension Fund, West Midlands Pension Fund, and Worcestershire Pension Fund. As an FCA registered company, LGPS Central Limited is owned equally by all 8 of the Administering Authorities of the 8 Partner Funds.
The LGPS Central pool has total combined assets of approximately £55bn and LGPS Central Limited is dedicated to the investment management of their assets. The aim of LGPS Central is to use the combined buying power of its Partner Funds to reduce costs, improve investment returns, widen the range of available asset classes for investment and fully integrate responsible investment into the investment process – all for the benefit of LGPS members, be they employees, employers, or pensioners.
LGPS Central Website
Staffordshire Pension Fund had approximately 24% of its assets invested with LGPS Central Limited at 31 March 2023. In accordance with the government pooling regulations, first published in 2015, an increasing proportion of the Fund’s assets, will be invested through LGPS Central Limited. Although this will take several years to achieve, the Fund is making steady progress, since it first transitioned assets into the LGPS Central Authorised Contractual Scheme (ACS) in February 2019. Several more asset transitions are planned and will include investments into various private market vehicles (i.e., private debt, infrastructure), that LGPS Central Limited have launched more recently.
The latest pool joint committee papers are available at the link below;
If you have any enquiries about Asset pooling in the LGPS or LGPS Central, please email us at
or write to us at: Staffordshire Pension Fund, 1 Staffordshire Place, Tipping Street, Stafford, ST16 2DH.