Known issues
***Password Reset and Forgotten Username Emails***
If you have registered for My Pension Portal using an email address from a Microsoft-owned domain (Outlook, Hotmail, Live), system-generated emails are currently being blocked by Microsoft. Our software providers are currently working to resolve this issue, and we should have an update at 11am on Monday 2 October.
In the meantime, if you know your Username and Password, you can still access the online portal, but you will not be able to request a Username Reminder or Password Reset until this issue is resolved. Please accept our apologies.
***Restricted access for certain devices***
If you are having difficulties signing up to our My Pension Portal, please check that you are using an up-to-date internet browser, or if you are using a smartphone/tablet, that this device is running the Android operating system V8.0 or above or latest version of the Apple iPhone operating system (IOS). We would recommend using a Laptop or PC to complete the sign up process.
Activation key
When requesting an activation code, you will see the following:
"Activation code successfully generated. If we held your e-mail address already, a link to complete your registration will be e-mailed to this address, otherwise your activation key will be sent to your current postal address within 10 working days."
This message means that you will only receive your activation key by e-mail if your e-mail address has been previously registered with us. We do not hold member e-mail addresses for the majority of scheme members and as a result your activation key is likely to be sent by post. Please allow up to 10 working days for the activation code to arrive.
Activation code/email has expired
Your activation key will expire 30 days from the date of the letter. Alternatively, if your activation code has been sent to an email address, the activation link will be valid for 30 minutes. If you have not activated your account in time you will need to re-register to use the calculator.
I have tried my activation code but received an error
If you have tried an activation code but are receiving an error, this may be due to the fact that you have requested multiple activation codes and a now invalid one has arrived. Please do not request a further activation key before the one you have been sent has expired, as this will delay your sign-up process.
Alternatively, the error message may be as a result of trying to register on a smartphone/tablet with an older version of the Apple iPhone operating system (IOS) or Android (before v8) operating system. Please try using a laptop/computer to complete the registration process.
Registering but not accepting username/password/security questions
Please check that any password manager or "autofill" options are disabled on your browser during the sign-up process as this may cause issues with the registration.
Usernames have to be unique so you may have to change this to something else if not accepted. The username:
- must start with a letter which can be upper or lower case
- apart from the first character, it can have any alphanumeric characters
- it must not have any spaces
- it must be between 6 and 30 characters
Passwords – please check that the passwords have been typed correctly in both boxes, so they match. New passwords:
- must be at least 8 characters in length
- must include at least one number, one lower case, one upper case and one special character
- are case sensitive
- must be different from lifestyle or security question responses
- must not have spaces
Security questions – you cannot have two of the same question. Also, please check all responses have been typed correctly.
Account has been locked
This occurs when an incorrect password/security question answer has been tried too many times, to unlock the account a password or security question reset will have to be issued.
I am unable to access the registration page
This error usually occurs when trying to register at work and your employer’s network/internet security settings have blocked certain websites or categories from work devices. Should you encounter this error, please try again at home using your personal Wi-Fi.
I cannot remember username, password or security question answers
Should you subsequently forget your username or password please use the following links to request username reminder and/or password reset:
Request Username Reminder
Forgotten your Password?
If you have forgotten your security question answers, please contact us to request a Security Question Reset link be issued to you.
Pension sharing order
If a pension sharing order debit has been applied to your record, this adjustment will not be reflected in your benefits shown in "Pension Benefits" and consequently they may be overstated.