Frequently asked questions


The options available to you will depend on whether you are an active, deferred or retired member. They include:

Your details

This shows personal details including your home address, which you can amend if necessary. Please note: avoid the use of commas and quotation marks (e.g. enter Bramble Cottage not "Bramble Cottage").

Employment details

This shows your membership including employment, scheme information and details about any temporary absences or part-time arrangements. In addition, you can view details about your contributions and pay.

Pension benefits

This shows details about additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) and added years, transfer details and additional service you are purchasing. Also you can calculate the value of your pension under different circumstances. You are also able to view annual benefit statement (ABS) information and career average pay.

If you are within a year of retirement and wish to ensure your calculations are accurate you may request a written estimate via e-mail:


If your intended leaving date is before age 55 use deferred benefits, otherwise voluntary retirement (remember you must be at least 55 to claim your pension benefits).


This shows your annual benefit statement document.

Settings / configuration

 These options allow you to amend your password or security questions.

Contact us

allows you to ask us a question about various topics.s or part-time arrangements. In addition you can view details about your contributions and pay.

In this latest version, if you have multiple records you should see a green box in the top right-hand corner of the dashboard. Use this to select which record you wish to view.

We are notified of your average pay around May-June each year based on pay up to the end of the previous March. The date up to which your pay is held is shown on the financial details screen.

If you wish to use your current salary you may do so when using the benefit projector. However it should be noted that benefits are based on a twelve-month average. Therefore, if you have fixed your retirement date and it is within the next 3 months, please request an estimate in writing to:

Pension Services Section
Staffordshire Place 2
Tipping Street
ST16 2DH


You can amend contact details yourself by selecting 'contact details' on the 'your details' screen.

Please note: you should not use quotation marks or commas in your address as this can cause problems when we run certain programs such as annual benefit statements.

For any other amendments please contact us.


Please note: while some changes such as marital status can usually be done quite quickly, other amendments (such as an hour change) may need further investigation from external sources.

You should allow a couple of weeks before querying why the change has not been implemented.


You can request further information and send queries. Please contact us.

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