Changing sections of the scheme
Option to pay lower pension contributions - the 50/50 option
One of the key features of the LGPS is the 50/50 option, which offers low cost membership and enables members to pay half rate contributions and in return build up half of your normal pension.
The 50/50 option is designed to provide a short term alternative to those considering opting out of the scheme.
This may help some members who are temporarily unable, or have difficulty in paying the full amount of contributions if your financial circumstances change e.g.:
- moving house
- childcare costs
- getting married etc.
The 50/50 option will allow you to remain as an active member of the scheme and pay lower contributions rather than opting out altogether. You would then still be able to take advantage of the benefits of being an LGPS member but contribute a lower, more manageable amount.
The 50/50 option would include:
- A reduction to your pension contributions by 50% and build up half of the pension (1/98th) you would have built up in the main option (1/49th)
- Full main scheme death benefits should anything happen to you while you are in the 50:50 option so your family is fully protected
- Automatic return into the main scheme should you go out of pay due to sickness or injury so you are not disadvantaged
- Ill health protections should you become unable to work and have to retire because of ill health
Making an Election
You can use the election form below to join the 50/50 scheme.
If you have joined the 50/50 scheme and your employer goes through its Automatic Enrolment process (this happens every 3 years) you will be automatically re-enrolled into the Main scheme: you will have to make an election to re-join the 50/50 scheme, if you want to continue paying reduced contributions.
If you have already joined the 50/50 scheme and want to re-join the Main scheme before your employer's Automatic Enrolment date, you can use the form below to do so whenever you wish.
Access the online election form.
Alternatively you can download and print the PDF version which should be completed and forwarded directly to your employer:
For further information about the 50 / 50 Scheme: